Nov 5, 2010
Nov 4, 2010
Introduction to The Gemini Circus
Gemini circus is a subject on which the book has been written. One day when I was returning from school I saw from my bus window, a banner on which something in attractive font had been printed. There were two words. The first I couldn’t read but I think it was “GEM…..” but the second was clear and it was “CIRCUS”. From then I got an idea about a story with its name as Gemini circus, though I didn’t get the first word clear but I framed it myself and made it “GEMINI”.
Here is the actual plot of the story…..
Gemini circus is a collection of moments that took place in or near the circus. Many people unwillingly became a component of these moments.
Gemini circus has witnessed spontaneous incidents and planned events but most of these events gave spontaneous results.
Each and everyone of this family have his/her own stories, their reasons for taking up a job as a circus man. But a circus, apart from the colors, talents and fun that are performed exposed and presented here also tells us morals of unity and diversity among people.
This collection awakens all these things in a presentation with a drink of comedy and a side dish of laughter. But nothing here is real, it is all imagination.
Southmalania, at the cigar shop (Gemini Circus)
The Gemini circus has been travelling regularly for ages from the time when the French people planned to conspire against the king and queen in 1789. During the advent of the British in India and in the end of Hitler’s rule in Germany . It has experienced the taste of food made in the kitchen of different places and countries. It has stood up and performed to entertain crowds of people with diverse backgrounds and different languages and tastes. It met different types of climate and have learned to adjust in them. In Katooria, a village in high altitude the Gemini circus gladly performed without any sign of frostbite or chills. This was all in front of public, but in their caravan they ran here and there in pajamas and sweaters on. Intelligent ones cuddled themselves in huge local blankets made of local fiber, brioza that came from a plant named briozari. And it was a known thing that the cuddled men chanted “god bless briozari” and even more god fearing chanted “god bless himself”. While the ones who were jumping and howling and running, unfurled couldn’t say anything along with the chatters of the teeth. Whatever were the difficulties faced and the nuisance created by them were not subjects for complain to the circus men. After all Gemini circus loved to entertain young fellows or more precisely “the chronological seven ages of men” and suffer climatic wonders.
That time it was at Nugervalley in the city of Southania or more lovingly called Southmalania. Situated in the southern hemisphere, the name was disintegrated into two words as narrated by the inhabitants - “south” and “malania”. “South” came from “southern” as it was situated in the southern hemisphere. And Malania came from the real name of the wife of the good old founder or discoverer of Southmalania. Captain Humblecracker was quite a humble person when he had a good nights sleep. But an angel has a devil in himself…. So did him. He couldn’t stand a housefly in his soup or morning tea (since the being of a fly in tea or soup was considered a bad omen, but thank god for the reformers that this problem was soon resolved).he cracked like bursting crackers when it came upto anger. Three centuries ago he had started off for an expedition, as it is said that he was a trader in profession but soon after his fathers death he had to administer his fathers industry of conquering lands (captain j.f Noblekind co.). It was obviously a name not to be trifled with because in the whole country of jungvoru (i.e. the place where the Noblekind dynasty lived) people saluted this industry and its sulking captain mr. Josef. flatter humblecracker. Well, it was after mr.josefs death that the government of jungvoru summoned mr humblecracker and appointed him the new captain of the industry and gave him an assignment and that was to conquer new lands as soon as possible. So he started off with a full fledged military and a wife who wouldn’t control her pesters and tantrums. In within 4 years his ship banged on something that the captains son called “the land”. To his surprise the captain cried at the same word. And he announced, wrapped up with his son and wife that he would name this land southmalania or precisely, southania…. There was a huge round of applause by the armed soldiers and a lot of fanfare after this important declaration. It is said that after the conquer he wrote a permanent leave letter to the government of Jungvoru. In that he wrote about his resignation from the job. He then started gardening of flowers and exotic plants and sold them in Nugervalley in reasonable prices. Due to resignation of the captain the industry was shut down forever and the government decided to give back all the lands they had conquered. They gave a letter of apology which went like this-
Dear land owner
We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience you had to take for the loss of your land. But this land you lost is being gifted to you back and we promise that we won’t ever let any other power to conquer over you all. You may take our help whenever in need.
The government of Jungvoru (GOJ)
And maybe in hope of revenge the other landowners started to destroy Jungvoru militarily, financially, socially. Since then jungvoru has been ruled by the foreign landowners.
People thought why the captain kept the name of the land after his wifes name, Malaniasis. The captain replied that it was due to her complains over her lost gold button cornered with diamond that he had ordered to stop the ship and had surprisingly banged on to the land. That was a talk of agreement but they had another question in mind. Why did Humblecracker keep the name”southania or southmalania” instead of “southernmalaniasis or southmalaniasis”. But the captain replied with the utmost good humor (of course no stupid fly had fallen in his tea or soup) that those names sounded like a name of a disease and he himself was tired of her tantrums and complains.
It is said that after about 20-30 years the beloved amiable captain left for his heavenly abode due to a local disease named the “southmalaria”.
Southmalania has been a fairyland with textile and handicrafts industry. Sculptures have been a terrific décor and continue to be. But as soon as the industrialization spread throughout the world, these aforementioned activities were almost destroyed. But some who were financially strong managed to survive.
Men here wear tshirt and pants. Women wear long gowns and on special occasions these gowns are replaced by hugely ornate robes and jewelleries. Languages spoken here are English, Spanish and Spenglish (blend of English and Spanish). Today 90% of the population work as factory owners or factory workers. But they haven’t forgotten their tradition nor have the avoided their traditional clothing.
Even though people are very busy here but they give some time towards entertainment.
Keeping in mind about the coming Festival of Summer Flora the Mayor of Nugervalley wrote a letter to the Gemini circus in request to hold their circus in the first week of may because that was the time when this festival was celebrated. During the festival, people worship the goddess of summer, “Razmania”. According to southmalanian mythology, Razmania is known as the queen of summer who brings summer covered by her affectionate arms and releases it into environment when her hands begin to burn.
Children believe that they have summer vacations due to the existence of queen razmania. So it is a moment of debate among the kids.
On the first day of the festival men and women wear their traditional outfits (men-long shirts, pants & women wear long ornate robes and jewels). They dance for the whole day before the idol of the Goddess. Distribution of sweets and alms among relatives and poor respectively is a common matter. It is a holiday for the children and the factory workers.
The children have fun immensely and play hide-&-seek and eat sweets and cold drinks. This is the modern tradition. While in ancient times the children were assigned jobs to do. The boys chanted mantras in front of the goddess and held the ritual. The girls used to organize functions and collect all materials needed for the rituals like firewood, oil, sweets, food offered to the goddess. But the adults danced gracefully.
The idol of Razmania is made of mud or, when it is needed for permanent use, it is made of plaster of Paris. The construction is a job for the girls and women. From two weeks before the construction starts. On the first day all women and their daughters congregate and plan the structure of the idol and one lady is chosen to be the leader of the group. From the next day they congregate once more in the Razmanitosh where they construct the idol. Each and every one contributes towards the making. And they do it cheerfully. Someone brings sweets; some bring drinks; even many bring music cds. And even more intelligent ones sing themselves and make others dance. They bring the violin, guitar and play the tunes that are favorable for Razmania. It is written In the scriptures that Razmania plays the violin when she brings summer into existence. But she sits on the topmost branch of an evergreen tree, so that no one can spot her. So during the festival, people participate towards music themselves (they don’t spot razmania and so they cant plead her to come and play the violin herself). As narrated by the people of nugervalley, Humblecracker once heard someone playing violin while he was sleeping. The sound came from the nearing trees. He went under each one of them and there was a time when the tune became louder. He went under the last tree and saw a woman playing the violin and the tune. She was seated on a branch. When the captain called her twice, she didn’t answer and continued. When the captain started climbing the tree, the woman vanished. But she left a sweet scent of summer behind, but of course the captain didn’t have a good day after he fell from that tree.
Razmania is seated on her pet lioness, Zoorania. She is known to be the queen of the lions.
Razmania wears an ornate robe with floral designs on it. Another soft colorful shawl covers her shoulders. A long necklace beaded with faces of the sun god around her neck signifies her power and her love towards humankind. She wears a huge triangular crown.
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Queen Razmania on Zoorania |
In Southmalania the robe is actually a collage of robes of all women. In Razmanitosh, the ladies bring their old robes (colorful). Then they are torn and different pieces are then joined to make one colorful long robe for the goddess.
The crown is made of different types of fibers and dyed in primary colors. Sometimes elaborate designs are made by the women with the help of pulses, grams, beads, shells.
Thus, there is a difference in division of work among people of Southmalania. Men hold the worships and rituals. Women handle the decorations and construction of the idol and organization of the worship.
People love the almighty who shaped himself as “RAZMANIA”. And she in turn spread the taste and love of summer. We shouldn’t neglect the importance of summer vacations that the children receive.
No doubt people of Southmalania participate and contribute towards this fest. After all, it is a time when people have a direct contact and share of feelings with the almighty.
It was indeed a good time for the Gemini circus to pay a visit on this colorful traditional anniversary. They had planned to hold the circus on the landore’s ground.
It was a good plot to them because it was away from industrial and factory influence. Of course no one would like a workaholic factory worker to disturb the entertained crowd at the circus. He will be thrown shoes at (and don’t forget the tomatoes because the shop down the landore square is selling tomatoes at a cheap rate).
Besides the industrial influence, the ground was near to some of the tourist spots and to the places of mass interest. Like the Sun Set point, the lovers park, the botanical garden, the jammy aquarium, Ricky’s music store, roger lane river e.t.c.
Precisely, this area promised tourist and inhabitant attraction.
It was a calm evening. All other shops were closed or were about to close. Only a faint music could be heard from far away (the ritual and worship was going on). The sky had become a palette of a mixture of different shades of blue. The canopy of trees weren’t visible as it was dark. But a lamppost, itself a mark of antique was glowing, though it was dimming at short intervals.
The time was 10 pm and the circus show for the evening had come to an end. The exit of the visitors and tourists was a scene to behold. Children with candy floss and mouth full of candies; adults with aching tummies and women ran out to the opposite side of the road towards their friends to share the latest gossip.
After the end of the show, it was a time for the circus men to relieve. It was another scene to behold, how the participants leaped towards the gateway of activities of interests.
Some go to smoke, some drink. Intelligent ones listen to music, but even more intelligent ones clean their things and go to sleep. But some, who don’t know what to do, start working for the next show.
The cigar shop and all other shops in need were very near to the circus, than anywhere before. It happened in Zambu last week, after the show, the contestants had to walk a km or two to reach their shops of interest. But the Gemini circus didn’t complain about this to the mayor of Zambu. But they gladly agreed and suffered the enjoyment in walking distance to reach the shops.
The cigar shop was about to close. The shop could moreover be called the cigar “restaurant”. The shop was huge and 7 tables were laid for the customers. But the thing, a man would come to the shop was only cigar, no drinks, no food nothing.
A well worn paper hung on the well damp wall, (inside the shop) and was supported by the help of two about to collapse nails. On top of the paper it read, in bold font, “THE CIGAR SHOP DELIGHT’S”. The workers and the shopkeepers were cleaning the floor, cleaning ashtrays, putting fresh stocks in a cupboard and drinking local wine (blend of grapes and apple).
At present, only two men were present in the shop. They were seated on table no. 4. One man was short, stout and had sun tanned skin. His eyes were tiny, but thick eyebrows. The nostrils were huge and round, so was his nose. He had black, short, curly and oily hair. His broad lips enclosed broad pearly whites. At that moment he was wearing a gown of a joker (the colorful folds explained so). A joker cap rested on his laps and his feet were covered with long flipper like colorful shoes.
The man opposite to him was tall and lean. The fair young man had a curly hair too, but they were long. He had a straight backbone (confidence and intelligence). And his face showed signs that were similar to those that often come on face of a professor or master. He too was wearing a joker gown and the joker cap rested on his laps. But he didn’t cover his feet with long flipper like colorful shoes.
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The stout man and the lean man |
About a minute or two had passed since they had entered the shop, but the waiter hadn’t arrived. “Waiter, waiter!” called out the stout man, in a loud voice that was about to take a quiet disguise of anger. “Hold it, Plomp.” Added the tall man, “be calm”. Soon a waiter with oily hair and braced teeth appeared with a notepad and pen. Seeing him Plomp started once again, “what is the problem with you? We need the menu, where is it?”
The tall man looked at Plomp in wrinkled face.
The waiter was quiet for an instance but it was a moment when he started in a loud voice.
Butter cigar, jam cigar, meat cigar, chicken cigar, liver cigar, kidney cigar, mixed fruit cigar, cherry cigar, strawberry cigar, spinach cigar, alcoholic cigar, tomato cigar, cabbage cigar………….He had it all by heart.
The next thing that Mr. Plomp spoke was, “thank you, we would rather love to have normal cigars”. His voice had given up the disguise nonsense.
In no time the waiter returned with a huge, ornate casket. On it a photo of Queen Razmania was neatly stuck.
The box was placed on the table but the two customers couldn’t help watching the beautiful casket. The waiter lifted the lid. Inside there were 6 cigars, two chewing gums and another ornate lighter, covered in a hand stitched floral handkerchief. Plomp and his friend lifted one cigar each, lit it and took a long drag. After about five minutes, in the smoked room the waiter began to speak, “it is a great moment for me to watch how even circus jokers love to tempt on sandy cigars!”
The two men suddenly stopped at the waiters words and turned towards him to know what he meant by “sandy cigars!”
“Oh!” The waiter exclaimed. “It is my fault that I didn’t mention it before, gentlemen.” Here, in Nugervalley, “normal” cigar means “tobacco-less” cigars. “You see, tobacco, bad for health, so the mayor say that tobacco, banned. But we put the sand from the ocean floor, instead of tobacco.” “But of course some cases have shown samples of some dirty insects in the sand. But you don’t worry, you are perfectly alright”……. “because the sand in your cigars was collected from the fins of the dead sharks and dolphins e.t.c.”
The two innocent customers had nothing in mind but flee. They had wondered, why were the cigar so salty, and if they had smelled it…. God knows what other wonders could have come up.
The only thing remaining was the concluding line of the waiter,- “well you should have tasted the “lizard brand” chewing gums, though they contain only bones and flesh of the lizards !”………..
Nov 3, 2010
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