Mar 31, 2013

My Tribute to Kishore Kumar with a song and a sketch

My Pal

My friend, A duplicate of mine
Whom I everyday meet
Has a terrible fuss of imitating me.
The smile that only I can make-
he smirks at me in a similar way.
I bet he goes to the same school where,
His teachers love to imitate
Teachers of mine who are tired of seeing
The mirror every morning.
He shows me how ugly is crying
And how a grin makes it equally beautiful.
He is stubborn, I admit but horribly truthful.

Outdoors, he lies at my feet and slides,
Where ever I go, along with me.
Allergic to light, he hides behind me.
Throughout the strenuous stroll he
Rubs the dust and dirt from the street.
But there he goes again look!
In the mirror absolutely neat.

Wreek Kundu